Living with Schizophrenia Patient

Living with Schizophrenia Patient; Positive and Negative role of family Families play a very crucial role in the adjustment of people with schizophrenia. It is worth mentioning that it has not only a positive impact on long term outcome but also has a negative impact, if not managed properly.  The family role has a huge […]

Nine Common Myths about Schizophrenia

Myth; schizophrenia patients are dangerous and violent. Answer: Research has established an interesting fact that the violence rate in the general population is 4 percent while in schizophrenia it is 6 to 7 percent. That means not all patients are violent. They do show aggression but are slightly higher than the general population. Another important […]

Types and Biology of Memory, A Guide to Improve Memory

Guide to Improve Memory As the name suggests, memory is a complex process that not only involves the brain but also includes other parts of the body. It is a vital part of our everyday life and enables us to focus on important things in our environment.   Types of Memory Below are the different […]