Eating Disorder Treatment

03005563888 Eating Disorder Eating Disorder Treatment : An eating disorder is a kind of serious mental health issue related to disturbed eating. Such disturbed eating habits may affect physical or mental health. Unhealthy eating patterns may cause a decrease or increase in body weight resulting in health decline. But the good news is that eating […]

Autism Treatment

03005563888 Mental Health Issues In Children Autism Child Psychiatrist A child psychiatrist is a medical specialist who is capable of diagnosing and treating autism, ASD, ADHD and mental disorders. The mental illnesses may include bipolar disorder, eating disorder, depression, and insomnia. The Psychiatrist is also experienced with several certifications to treat several kinds of mental […]

Dementia Treatment

Mental Health issues in Old Age Dementia and types: We provide complete assessment and treatment of mental health issues in old age. Common issues are impairment in memory and depression. Dimentia such as Alzheimer disease are important causes of memory loss in old age. If you are looking for the best diagnosis and treatment of mental […]

OCD Treatment

03005563888 OCD Treatment OCD is obsessive compulsive disorder The main features of this disorder obsessions and the compulsion. The obsession are repetitive thoughts. These thoughts are intrusive and foolish. For example, frequent thoughts about dirt and contamination. These thoughts don’t go away even after properly washing hands. Similarly, there can be doubts whether I locked […]


03005563888 Psychotherapies What is meant by psychotherapies: The psychotherapies all the specialized techniques to treat the mental health conditions without the use of medicine. These techniques are not just saying good thing, giving advices, providing motivation, etc. These are the therapeutic interventions that has proper scientific basis. Our trained and qualified psychologists provide all kinds […]